Parker Models Continuum of Care Done Right for China Nurses
By Danielle Woodruffe
Visiting nurses from China recently spent some time at our Monroe and Highland Park campuses to learn from Parker caregivers. The group of ten are in the process of opening a continuum of care home in Southeast China that will include assisted living, nursing care and more. It’s a model that is still very new to their region.
“There is more of a need now because, for a long period of time, there was a one-child policy in China. It’s become very difficult for the (now grown) children to take care of all four parents (a set from each side, including in-laws). Before it was frowned upon, but parents are more open to this now because they know their child has a huge burden and they want it to go well for them,” explained visiting nurse, Lun Fang Huang.
The nurses spent five days viewing Parker homes, two days in orientation, one day of targeted time at our Health & Wellness Center and observing rehab and physical therapy programs. Within the three months of their visit to the United States they saw a total of eleven aging services providers, but spent the most time at Parker.
The connection was made possible through a partnership with Rutgers University and the medical staff there who work with Parker.
”From my point of view, this is the best place to model,” remarked Dr. Karen Lin, RWJ Family Medicine. “Parker is always my model for a long-term care facility so when they expressed interest to learn about this, I said this is a perfect fit since it’s so close to Rutgers.”
During the visit, the group split up into teams of three so that they could “cover more ground.” Qiong Zhang was able to observe residents receiving memory care at Evergreen Way and was most impressed with the team responsible for their care.
“To see the staff serving the food to residents and how they encouraged them during the eating process, which can be challenging for residents with dementia, was inspiring,” says Zhang.
Others were greatly impacted by their time at the Parker Adult Day Club and Health & Wellness Center.
“I noticed everyone at the Adult Day was engaged in whatever activity was taking place and they were encouraging and worked as a team,” says Bin Lin Wang who was part of the group that observed our programs at the Pavilion.
“I’m mostly impressed with the atmosphere in the Health & Wellness Center,” says Guo Fei Wang. “The staff is very enthusiastic. They invite the participants to take part in all activities and even exercise with them.”
Jing Li, who spent time at Parker at Stonegate assisted living, was inspired by the many choices residents have. This experience will, without a doubt, have a lasting impression on her. She witnessed the love caregivers at Parker have, which was something she felt she needed to see in person rather than hear about.
“I love how Parker at Stonegate’s neighborhoods feel just like home,” explained Li. “One CNA there was very helpful. She explained to me that she looks at the residents like her mother. We all will become older but people should be taken care of for that. She treats them the way she’d like to be treated.”
Parker wishes this team much success as they pave the way for providing exceptional care in aging services in China.